Full CMSSW release containers are very big.
It is more practical to use light-weight containers and obtain CMSSW via CVMFS.
The centrally supported way to run CMSSW in a container is using Apptainer.
Using full CMSSW containers
Light-weight CMSSW containers
Accessing CVMFS from Docker locally
You can install CVMFS on your local computer.
The cvmfs-automounter allows you to provide CVMFS to other containers on Linux.
Privileged containers can be dangerous.
You can mount CVMFS from within a container on container startup.
Using Singularity
Singularity needs to be used on LXPLUS.
CMS Computing provides a wrapper script to run CMSSW in different Linux environments (SLC5, SLC6, CC7, CC8).
To run your own container, you need to run Singularity manually.
The CVMFS area provides a very fast way of distributing unpacked docker images for access via Singularity.
Using this approach you can run versioned and reusable stages of your analysis.