GitLab CI for CMS: Glossary

Key Points

Setting up a CMSSW environment
  • GitLab CVMFS runners are required to use CMSSW.

  • The setup script sets aliases, which are not expanded by default.

  • If the setup script tries to access unset variables, then that can cause the CI to fail when using strict shell scripting checks.

Compiling a CMSSW package
  • For code to be compiled in CMSSW, it needs to reside within the work area’s src directory.

  • The code needs to be copied manually using the CI script.

  • When using commands such as git cms-addpkg, the git configuration needs to be adjusted/set first.

Obtaining a grid proxy
  • Special care is needed when adding secrets in GitLab

  • Passwords and certificates should always be set to Protected state

  • Certificates need to be base64-encoded for use as secrets

Running a CMSSW job
  • A special CMSSW image is required to successfully run CMSSW jobs

  • Running on CMS data requires a grid proxy

  • The use of artifacts allows passing results of one step to the other

  • Since artifacts are write-protected, the directory needs to be copied before running CMSSW
