This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Introduction to Docker: Setup

Docker installations

To install Docker Community Edition on your Linux, Mac, or Windows machine follow the instructions in the Docker docs.

Once you’ve got docker up and running, do the following docker image pulls in advance to save waiting during the tutorial:

docker pull matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker
docker pull debian:buster-slim
docker pull python:2.7-slim
docker pull python:3.7-slim
docker pull rootproject/root-conda:6.18.04

Analysis Code

Having completed yesterday’s gitlab-CI tutorial, we assume you now have two gitlab repos in your namespace: one containing code to skim the NanoAOD-like samples and convert them to histograms, and the other containing the code needed to do the final fit.

In case you’d like to start fresh, we provide two such ‘starter’ repos that you can fork into your namespace and work directly from:

Skimming code:

Fitting code:

A few things to keep in mind if starting from these ‘starter repos’: