Using Full CMSSW Containers


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can I obtain a standalone CMSSW container?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of container?

  • Understanding how to find and use standalone CMSSW containers.

CMS does not have a concept of separating analysis software from the rest of the experimental software stack such as event generation, data taking, and reconstruction. This means that there is just one CMSSW, and the releases have a size of several Gigabytes (around 35 GB for the last releases).

From the user’s and computing point of view, this makes it very impractical to build and use images that contain a full CMSSW release. Imagine running several hundred batch jobs where each batch node first needs to download several Gigabytes of data before the job can start, amounting to a total of tens of Terabytes. These images, however, can be useful for offline code development, in case CVMFS is not available, as well as for overall preservation of the software.

Because images that contain full CMSSW releases can be very big, CMS computing does not routinely build these images. However, as part of the CMS Open Data effort, images are provided for some releases. You can find those on Docker Hub. In addition, a build service is provided, which you can use to request images. Those images can be found on CERN GitLab and can be mirrored to Docker Hub upon request.

If you would like to use these images, you can use them in the same way as any other CMS images (see next episode) with the only difference that the CMSSW software in the container is in /opt/cms and not within /cvmfs/ The ability to partially replicate the /cvmfs/ directory within these containers is under development. The goal being to have the same paths to CMSSW regardless of the way in which CMSSW is accessed within the container.

You can run the containers as follows (pick either bash or zsh) when using the cmsopendata version published on Docker Hub:

docker run --rm -it cmscloud/standalone:cmssw_10_6_25-slc7_amd64_gcc700 /bin/zsh

If you would like to use the cms-cloud images from the CERN GitLab registry (this can be slow when outside CERN):

docker run --rm -it /bin/zsh

Note, just recently the cms-cloud images have started to be mirrored on Docker Hub.

Do not use for large-scale job submission nor on GitLab!

Due to the large size of these images, they should only be used for local development.


One important thing to note is that for most CMS images, the default username is cmsusr. This will hold true for all of the centrally produced CMS images mentioned in these lessons.

Key Points

  • Full CMSSW release containers are very big.

  • Standalone CMSSW containers are currently not routinely built due to their size.

  • They need to be built/requested when needed.