Advanced Usage of Apptainer


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How do I modify the default behavior of Apptainer when entering a container?

  • How can I use Apptainer when I’m already inside an Apptainer container?

  • Learn how to add custom prompts to your shell logon file and detect if you’re inside a container.

  • Learn how to tell if your Apptainer installation can run nested containers (Apptainer-in-Apptainer).

Login file customization for Apptainer

Most environment variables from the host machine and session will be automatically inherited when starting an Apptainer container. However, there are some exceptions, among them the PS1 variable that specifies the shell prompt and optionally the terminal window title (see here for a nice guide). You can specify a custom command line prompt so it’s easy to know at a glance if you’re inside a container or not.

For example, these two lines give the prompt [user@machine dir]$ on the host machine and [user@machine dir *]$ in a container, using the asterisk to indicate that you’re in a container:

PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ "
APPTAINERENV_PS1="[\u@\h \W *]\$ "

These settings can be placed in your .bashrc or .bash_login file. You can also include an environment variable like $APPTAINER_NAME in the prompt or terminal window title, which will display the name of the active container (if any).

Script customization for Apptainer

Whether in your login file or another script, you might want to have certain operations that only execute if you’re inside a container (or if you aren’t). You can achieve this with a simple check (replace ... with your code):

if [ -n "$SINGULARITY_CONTAINER" ]; then

To reverse the check, use -z instead of -n (guide to bash comparison operators).


There are several important cases where it may be necessary to invoke Apptainer when already inside an Apptainer container (nested Apptainer or Apptainer-in-Apptainer):

This is possible, but there are certain system requirements that must be met:

  1. The Apptainer configuration, by default at /etc/apptainer/apptainer.conf, must include the line allow setuid = no (and must not have allow setuid = yes).
  2. The operating system must have unprivileged user namespaces enabled.

The CMS software provides a script to test for this behavior:

If this behavior is not found on the machine you’re using, there are a few options:

  1. Ask your system administrator to enable the behavior, following the Apptainer User Namespace guide.
  2. Instead of using the system version of Apptainer, use the one distributed by the Open Science Grid on cvmfs at /cvmfs/ This executable has its own configuration file that follows the above requirements (though it may still not work for nested Apptainer use in all cases, depending on the local system settings). To force the use of this version, you can modify your PATH: export PATH=/cvmfs/$PATH.

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